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Cuisine creole : Akra! A Haitian Appetizer!

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Image result for katyana paniague

by Katyana Paniague Andre
owner of Madame Sara

** To Accomplish This Meal, Purchase our Jar of Fresh Herbs Blended in Olive oil. Madame Sara’s gourmet cooking sauce not only adds flavor to your food it also offers the healthiest option out there!

Visit the Original Website www.madamesaras.com  to order your jar today! 


If you are Haitian and you are reading this, remember when we get our ‘fritay’? Akra is a MUST! I miss Haiti. So, this Saturday I wanted to make Akra for my beloved friends here in London! :) It is not the healthiest meal but it is a delight, which once in a while is absolutely worth it! 
Come on, try it and you will not regret it. Plus, Madame Sara does make every MEAL so SIMPLE! :) 
1 Jar of Madame Sara (Hot Flavor)
1 pound of malanga

1 tspn salt to taste

1 egg beaten

1 tbsp flour

½ tspn baking powder

2 cups oil
1. Grate the malanga to make 2 cups. In a blender, mix the Madame Sara Spice Blend (as much as you like) until it’s the same consistency of the grated malanga.

2. In a bowl, mix the malanga with the spice blend mixture. Mix in the beaten egg. Mix the flour and baking powder until you get a nice consistency
3. Heat the oil on high heat until very hot. Drop in a tablespoonful of the mixture one at  a time into the hot oil

4. Do not turn to the other side until the fritter is golden brown

5. Scoop out any extra mix that breaks away from the batter in the hot oil, so it does not clutter or burn the oil. Drain on a paper towel.

short and sweet
Et Voila, now you have a very good and popular Haitian appetizer! J
Bon Appetit,
Madame Sara

The Products Of Madame Sara-

We are, as a company, working to bring more products to expand Madame Sara and our Brand.
Our most popular products are our  Fresh SPICE BLENDS. They are made with the freshest ingredients and blended in olive oil, you can use our spice blends to cook almost anything and you can use them as a condiment as well.
And to satisfy all taste buds, we make 3 different FlavorsMild (No hot peppers) Medium (Moderate amount of Hot peppers) Hot (Good Amount of Hot Peppers)

Please Visit our Website to order yourself a jar today!!!!


Thank you for your support and your loyalty!

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