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Haiti mourns Chavez

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Hugo Chavez was an idol of the Haitian people

Hugo Chavez looms large in Haiti’s collective imagination, Rashmee Roshan Lall writes from Port au Prince. Haiti has declared three days of official mourning as the president and prime minister fly to Caracas:
For the poorest country in the Americas, Chavez was the emperor of the grand gesture. Now, Haiti is worried that his passing might mean Caracas changes course from the oil-enabled populism of the PetroCaribe fund. Since 2006, the fund has paid for many of the Haitian government’s programmes and even, so the rumours go, for its president and prime minister to travel the world on official business. 
Haiti pays just 60% of full price for the thousands of barrels of oil it receives from Venezuela every year, and it enjoys the luxury of leisurely attempting to repay the remainder over the course of 25 years at 1% interest.
Image result for hugo chavez airport haiti
According to some estimates, PetroCaribe brings in about $300 million every year in revenue, which goes directly to the Haitian government, rather than humiliatingly bypassing it and pouring into NGOs’ coffers instead.
Chavez, Haitians say with affectionate gratitude, gave them dignity and more importantly, perhaps, the money to behave as such. And build electricity grids, music institutes and sundry other necessaries besides. Unsurprising then, the strength of the emotion here in Haiti over news of Chavez passing.
New graffiti has appeared on walls across the capital Port au Prince. “Adios Hugo Chavez, pep Ayisien pap jamm blye’w,” it reads. Good bye Hugo Chavez, the Haitian people will never forget you.

PHOTO: The flag-draped coffin containing the body of Venezuela's late President Hugo Chavez is taken from the hospital where he died, to a military academy where it will remain until his funeral in Caracas, Venezuela, March 6, 2013.
The flag-draped coffin containing the body of Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chavez is taken from the hospital where he died, to a military academy where it will remain until his funeral in Caracas, Venezuela, March 6, 2013. 

Le Président de la République rend hommage au Président Hugo Chavez suite à son décès

Image result for martelly et lamothe enterrement hugo chavez

Le PM Laurent Lamothe et le President Michel Martelly aux funerailles du President Hugo Chavez

Port-au-Prince, mardi 5 Mars 2013 : Le Président de la République, S.E.M. Michel Joseph Martelly, exprime sa consternation suite au décès du Président de la République bolivarienne du Venezuela, M. Hugo Chavez, ce mardi 5 Mars 2013, après une longue maladie courageusement supportée.

Le Chef de l’Etat rend un hommage vibrant à ce grand ami d’Haïti qui n’a raté aucune occasion d’exprimer sa solidarité en faveur du peuple haïtien dans ses moments les plus difficiles. A travers le programme PetroCaribe, le Président Chavez a contribué grandement à l’exécution de grands chantiers à travers le territoire haïtien en faveur du développement durable.

En cette pénible circonstance, le Chef de l’Etat adresse, au nom du Gouvernement et du peuple d’Haïti, ses plus sincères condoléances au peuple vénézuélien et à la famille du Président Chavez.
Retransmis par le Ministère de la Communication 

Chavez acueillant l’actuel President haitien Michel Martelly a Caracas

Venezuela’s Ambassador to Haiti Pedro Antonio Canino Gonzalez weeps as he speaks about Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chavez during a press conference in Petion-Ville, Haiti, Wednesday, March 6, 2013. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)

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