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Why Trump will be impeached : ‘They’ll pull the trigger’- Robert Reich explains how the GOP is playing Trump until they can dump him

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Dailykos – Writing on Facebook, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich relayed a conversation with a former GOP member of Congress who claims current members of the House are playing along with President Donald Trump for now but will dump him at the first possible moment.

According to Reich, he recently had breakfast with a Republican friend who claimed he held his fire over his misgivings about Trump during the election, saying, “You kidding? I was surrounded by Trump voters. I’d have been shot.”

That was when the conversation took an interesting turn when Reich asked his friend what the GOP will do now that Trump is president.

“They’ll play along for a while,” the unidentified friend said. “They’ll get as much as they want – tax cuts galore, deregulation, military buildup, slash all those poverty programs, and then get to work on Social Security and Medicare – and blame him. And he’s such a fool he’ll want to take credit for everything.”

Image result for robert reich

Robert Reich

Asked what happens then, the Reich’s friend laughed and said, ‘They like [Vice President] Pence.”

 “Pence is their guy. They all think Trump is out of his mind,” he explained. “So the moment Trump does something really dumb – steps over the line – violates the law in a big stupid clumsy way … and you know he will …”

“They impeach him?” Reich asked.

“You bet. They pull the trigger,” was the reply.

Seriously, this is worth noting because the GOP was considering Pence as a presidential candidate and then decided that he didn’t have enough clout to « be a contender. » So Reince Priebus did the next best thing and convinced Trump to dump Chris Christie as the VP choice and take Mike Pence.  Trump and Pence were not even acquainted at the time. The big money in the GOP, notably the Prince/DeVos families have been bankrolling and grooming Mike Pence for quite some time.  Erik Prince’s goal is to see Mike Pence in power so that Mike Pence can execute Erik Prince’s dominionist agenda and make church and state one entity. Pence is the fair haired boy, literally, in line for the throne and it’s just a question of time.

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