(Brooklyn, NY) – Council Member Mathieu Eugene has issued the following statement on the passing last night of Basil Paterson. Basil A. Paterson was a former New York State Senator, New York Secretary of State, New York City Deputy Mayor, and father of former New York Governor David A. Paterson.
“I am deeply saddened by the recent passing of Basil A. Paterson, who was an iconic figure in this great city and state, with an outstanding record of service in government that spanned several decades. Basil A. Paterson was truly a pioneer; he was the first black to serve as New York Secretary of State and as New York City Deputy Mayor. He will forever be remembered as one of Harlem’s ‘Gang of Four,’ a group of politicians who several decades ago paved the path to success in politics and public service for countless numbers of people, including today’s generation of black leaders. In addition to his unparalleled career in the public sector, Basil A. Paterson was for many years a champion of working people as a labor attorney. I extend my prayers and condolences to former Governor David A. Paterson and all members of the Paterson family during this trying time.”
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