IF someone would ask me when I was a kid besides cornmeal which is my least favorite dish, I’d say beef stew! Geez all the root vegetables and green vegetables were like my biggest nightmare! Now I love it! On a Sunday My Grandmother makes me happy because it is the order of the day!!! Haitian Beef Stew!My other uncle who resides in Boston with his wife and kids is such a tiny and small frame, that whenever he visits NY, my grandma will prepare no other dish, but a big pot of vegetable and beef stew. It is our own version of Boeuf Bourguignon! Yumm Yummyyy!!This is my Grandma’s recipe:
What you will Need: 1- A Jar of Madame Sara’s Spice Blends Visit www.madamesaras.comto order your jar today! 2- About 2 fresh Green Plantains, 3- One Medium size Yam, 1-2 medium size malanga, 3-4 potatoes and about 2 purple sweet potatoes 4-A couple of Fresh Carrots, a bag of fresh Green Spinach, 2-3 celery sticks, 3 tomatoes, one onion 5-1 pound of diced beef 6- This one is optional but we love it, about 2-3 pieces of cow’s feet!*** The Trick with Haitian Bouillon (Beef Stew) is to prepare the cow feet before hand because it takes a while to cook. So what you do is cook it in water no salt or seasoning added just a table spoon of olive oil and let it cook for about 1h and half to 2 hours. You can use a pressure cooker to make it faster. PS: We cook all the Meat before hand so that it makes the process of cooking the stew less consuming because it can take up to 3 hours to succeed it all at once! :)Preparation: The Beef: We also cook the meat on the side. So after washing and cleaning, we mix in the Spice Blend (Flavor of your choice). You can add some extra salt and pepper to intensify the flavors.1- So in a Heavy pot, put about 2-4 tablespoons of olive oil let it get hot, add in the meat, the diced onion and tomatoes. Make sure both sides of the cube meats get nice and brown lower the heat add about half cup of water and cover let it simmer/cook for about 30 minutes or until you can hear it frying up again then add some more water until the meat really softens. This can take up to an hour depending how soft you really want the meat. But you don’t want it to soften too much since you will have the meat broil with the vegetables. Repeat that process until the meat is fairly cooked!2-Now add in the cow feet and let them simmer together for about 10 minutes.The Vegetables: After you peel all of the root vegetables wash them under cold water. Cut them in halves or in dices but not too small. Drop all of them expect the carrots with the meat.3- Allow them to get all brown with the meat. Then on top place the fresh spinach and celery sticks. Add some more salt and pepper. And if you must, one bouillon cube for the taste. Stir everything together to get them all covered in the brown at the bottom of the pot.4- Once everything is all coated up and nicely brown, add 4-5 cups of water and let it cook for about 30 to 45 minutes until the vegetables are nicely cooked. It can take a while. Stir from time to time just to check on the veggies. Add in one green scotch bonnet pepper for taste. Do not let it crush!!!5- The carrots can be added in the last 10 minutes.
Let everything reduce to about half the size of the water. Then Voila! You will have a nice bowl of healthy Beef and Vegetable Stew! The best winter food! It keeps you warm and Healthy!!! :)
Bon Appétit
Madame Sara
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Une Réponse à Cuisine creole : How to make bouillon (Haitian beef stew)