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Celebrating the unsung sheroes of Spring Valley

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A Reflection by Marlene Avril

Why International Women’s Day, someone might ask? And why not, someone else might reply.  One can argue that women’s day is every day; therefore, it seems reasonable for the world to pause one day to acknowledge women. A day set aside to recognize women’s accomplishments and contributions to the world is a step in the right direction.

It is indisputable that in all civilizations, women have been the pillars of change, and they continue to play a pivotal role in all spheres of life.   

The idea of celebrating Women’s Day is simply an initiative to elevate, acknowledge, and honor the contributions of ordinary women in our community. Countless women in Spring Valley are doing extraordinary things to support their neighbors and the youth; they are working behind the scene to improve the quality of lives for many. Their love, compassion, and dedication have left noticeable marks.

We are well aware that women across the globe actively participate in politics. Women are active in education, healthcare, social work, corporate, sports, IT, research & development, innovation, and diverse fields. They left their footprints. Yes! Its evident women are pushing through the glass ceiling, but we know much more is needed.

 However, this celebration is an initiative to highlight the trailblazing women of Rockland County, whose dedication and commitment have led the way.

 We can name the late Dr. Danielle Bright, a School board member of the East Ramapo School district. The late Dr. Susan Gordon, East Ramapo School Board member. The late Jacqueline Myrtle, to name a few, a community activist who’s by her compassion, had touched many lives. She had a big enough heart that birthed many children.

The late Ms. Germaine Saurel, one of the first Haitian families in Rockland, she was a writer, educator, and activist. Ms. Saurel was the first woman who initiated a movement to build and preserve the Haitian culture in Rockland County.

Fortunately, we are privileged to have some of these women in the audience today—some of whom we are honoring. We would want to mention Dr. Stella Mars, the founder of the Martin Luther King Multipurpose Center. Ms. Sherry M. Scott, whose dedication continues to inspire our youth.

Ms. Gladys Zizi, the first female entrepreneur who started a taxi business here in Spring Valley.  Ms.  Gabelita Roseau, who, despite her medical challenges, finds the courage to maintain a visible presence at the Elmwood Elementary school to advocate for the voiceless children. Ms. Ana Barrios, a devout and active Catholic, member of St. Joseph/St. Boniface Church in Spring Valley, Ms. Barrios, has been serving as a volunteer to attend to the needs of others. 

As the world pauses to celebrate Women, we gather to celebrate the women in our community.  What we are doing here today is celebrating the power of all women in Rockland County.

We want to elevate and highlight the work that women from all walks of life do to support and maintain their neighborhoods. Their values and strengths demonstrate the Shero within that rise in the time of needs and significant challenges. We as women are gifted with the ability to create, to maintain, to endure and transform, we make life happen around us every day.

There is evidence to prove that when women gather together and unify their strengths, changes are imminent and definite, and positive actions are possible.

United together, we possess what it takes to transform communities. Therefore, the time to act is not only now, but it is urgent.  The world needs you, and our society needs you, your family needs you. 

We are facing enormous challenges in different areas; many losses and acts of violence have touched our community. We honor those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice in their devotion to the community. We remember Sandra Wilson, the security guard at Finkelstein Memorial Library, who recently lost her life, doing a job she loves. Known as a « mom » to everyone, she had a big heart full of love, compassion, and a ready smile for all those she met. We pay tribute to this SHERO in our community. 

Yet, we will not be defeated because our strength will prevail; we are stronger together; we will overcome. When you leave here today, you must rest assured about the impact you have on the people around you, the lives you change, the difference you make, the love you share, the sacrifices you make every day, the support you provide. All these things and more have elevated you to Heroism.

YES! ALL WOMEN sitting in this audience today, you are beautiful, you are outstanding and influential. You are the Sheroes we celebrate.

Marlene Avril

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