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Humour : Farewell Cuba

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 An old Cuban suffers a major heart attack and, as a last wish,  asks for a flag to kiss and say good-bye to his dearest Cuba .

His friends search desperately but cannot find one. With  everyone ready to abandon all hope of finding a flag, a 23-year-old nurse shyly interrupts their desperate search by offering a  tattoo of the flag that is inscribed on the cheek of her buttock. The young girl pulls down her shorts showing the Cuban flag on a  beautifully shaped buttock. She approaches the dying man and sticks her butt in his face. The man, with tears in his eyes,  caresses the ‘flag,’ grabs the cheek with both hands and starts kissing it with great passion, saying « My dear Cuba , I say goodbye with great sadness. Farewell my land, I will miss you. »

 After going on for a full 10 minutes, the now revived man says to the girl:
« Now, chica, turn around, I want to kiss Fidel, our bearded dictator, goodbye too! »

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