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Obama Flips Off Republicans By Appointing Susan Rice National Security Adviser

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by Jason Easley for PoliticusUSA

Susan Rice, U.S ambassador to the United Nations

President Obama is giving the political version of the one fingered salute to Republicans and their scandals by appointing Susan Rice to be National Security Adviser.
The New York Times diplomatically reported that, “The appointment, which Mr. Obama plans to make on Wednesday afternoon, puts Ms. Rice, 48, an outspoken diplomat and a close political ally, at the heart of the administration’s foreign-policy apparatus. It is also a defiant gesture to Republicans who harshly criticized Ms. Rice for presenting an erroneous account of the deadly attacks on the American mission in Benghazi, Libya. The post of national security adviser, while powerful, does not require Senate confirmation.”
The clear message that President Obama is sending to congressional Republicans begins with an F and ends with a U.
President Obama gave up on trying to work with Republicans late in 2011, but his promotion of Susan Rice after Republicans endlessly demonized her during their Benghazi conspiracy frenzy speaks volumes about how the White House views the Republican attempts to create a scandal.
At one level, President Obama was telling Republicans to take their scandals and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine. But on a deeper political level, the president just gave the the conspiracy addled Republican toddlers another shiny object to be captivated by. In other words, it looks like the president is inviting Republicans to commit political suicide by continuing to chase these scandals.
Amb. Rice is a deserving candidate for the NSA post. She was also a deserving Secretary of State candidate. This promotion is a comeback for Rice, and Obama’s way of letting Republicans know that he is in charge. Republicans and their media machine will unleash howls about “Obama’s arrogance,” and they will use this news to advance their conspiracy theories, but this is a huge win for the president.
Republicans didn’t push Susan Rice out of the administration with their scandals. They got her promoted. Republicans aren’t crippling the Obama presidency. They are helping him look more like a man surrounded by children. There is no downside to this maneuver for the president.
The Rice appointment was a savvy move by an administration that remains three steps ahead of its Republican opposition.
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