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Haitian President Michel Martelly visits Spring Valley

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From left to right : Spring Valley mayor Demeza Delhomme, Fanfan Tibot, President Martelly, Spring Valley Trustee Emilia White,Haitian First Lady Sophia Martelly

By Kern Grand-Pierre

(With insider’s contributions from Patrick Mathelier and Fanfan Tibot)

Haitian President Michel Martelly wowed a crowd of about 1000  in Spring Valley,New York,on October 30th,2015, as the first sitting head of state to ever visit this village thousands of his fellow Haitians call home. In a speech reminiscent of his 2011 successful campaign, President Martelly took the opportunity to introduce the young entrepreneur Jovenel Moise as the chosen candidate of his political party PHTK, which stands for Parti Haitien Tet Kale.

A former resident of the United States himself, Martelly acknowledged the numerous contributions of the Haitian diaspora which pours over 2 billion dollars a year in the Haitian economy through direct transfers to relatives.

Security was very tight, as the Secret Service cordoned off the perimeters around Saint Joseph Church while the programmed service was going on, leaving dozens of invitation card-carrying guests to wait it out in the early October cold until the event was finally moved to the church’s auditorium said to accommodate up to 900 people .

Spring Valley mayor Demeza Delhomme,also of Haitian descent, delivered the welcome speech to the visiting head of  state, and along with a plaque he also presented the key to his village to a beaming and grateful Martelly.

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From left to right : Spring Valley Trustee Emilia White, President Martelly, SV Mayor Demeza Delhomme, SV Trustee Anthony Leon

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Michel J. Martelly@MichelJMartelly 19h19 hours ago

Je remercie la communauté haïtienne de Spring Valley pour l’accueil plus que cordial offert à ma délégation.

Source : twitter

According to our various sources, this visit by the Haitian President was initiated by Yves Joseph of La Baguette d’Or Bakery, better known as Fanfan Tibot,and the funds to organize the event were mostly raised at Speedy Import-Export by former Deputy mayor Carl-Henry Joseph and other power brokers like Marc E. Duvalsaint and Jean-Marie Tadal, both successful entrepreneurs themselves and co-owners of Speedy.

Mayor Delhomme contributed an unspecified amount from his personnal funds and directed the Spring Valley Police Department  to provide the necessary coverage to ensure that the event went on without a hitch. Additional security was provided by the Sheriff Department under the leadership of Sheriff Louis Falco.

Logistics/ Event coordinator Patrick Mathelier,as always,was on top of his game as he did an outstanding job keeping the event flowing smoothly.

From left to right : Haitian presidential candidate Jovenel Moise,his wife Martine Moise,Spring Valley mayor Demeza Delhomme,Fanfan Tibot,president Michel Martelly, former Spring Valley deputy- mayor Carl-Henry Joseph

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Presidential candidate Jovenel Moise and his wife Martine greeting Mayor Delhomme and Fanfan Tibot

Major financial contributors to the event included Fanfan Tibot and his charming wife Nadia Joseph, Dr. Daniel Allonce and his proud and supportive wife Dr. Fernande Allonce, and the one and only Fresnel Sanon Jules(aka Tet Chov) ,and his wonderful wife Serette Sanon Jules  of Elegant Events Party Rental , who contributed well over $3,000 worth of equipment and services to make the evening a complete success.

Cliquez sur la flèche pour voir la video

On a non-partisan basis, Haiti Infos made a $100 donation to the event committee on behalf of the Haitian community.

Although Mayor Delhomme handled the official opening ceremony at Village Hall, the main course, consisting of the church service and the president’s appearance at Saint Joseph’s auditorium, was made possible by the leadership of the Rockland Presidential Welcoming Committee  and both Fathers Germain and Cyprien who provided the space and worked tirelessly to make this first-ever presidential visit a wonderful moment in time for our community.

Entertainment was provided by La Troupe Choucoune and other acts who made the presidential visit a memorable and historical evening.

President Martelly is in the United States for U.N week where he will deliver a speech at the United Nations on October 1, 2015.


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