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Poisson au Gros Sel à l’Haitienne (Haitian fish recipe)

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by Katyana Paniague Andre
Owner of Madame Sara


Fish is not an easy dish. And if you are Haitian, you know what I mean. It must be well cleaned and have the right seasoning to be really good.

Here’s a quick recipe that will make you a pro! But do not forget. Using Madame Sara’s gourmet Creole Sauce is KEY. And this dish was made using only that.

What you will need: 

1) Jar of Madame Sara’s Gourmet Sauce (visit the site www.madamesaras.com )
2) Red Snapper Fish Fresh and All scales removed
3) 3 Cloves of Garlic, some sea salt, one scotch bonnet pepper, green and red bell peppers
4) 3/4 cup of Olive oil
5) A bowl to place the fish
6) Limes about 4-6 limes to clean and use juice
7) one-two table spoons of butter
8) Parsley and One red onion cut in small slices

How To prepare: 

1) Cleaning the fish is the first step- Using the Limes make sure you rub it all over as well as on the inside.
Pour the juice all over the fish as well.
2) Then take about 2 table spoons of sea salt and pour it on the fish cover it then place on the fridge for about 15 minutes
3) Remove from fridge, then rinse under cold Water and place in a bowl add little by little pour the Gourmet Sauce all over and inside the fish to allow the sauce to penetrate. You may add salt for more taste as well as some crushed garlic. Place it in the fridge for another 15 minutes.

5) Take it out, place a frying pan on the stove wait till it is really hot, add some olive oil and butter.
Enough oil to cook the fish but not fry it. Gradually add parsley, some garlic and peppers. Then, gently place the fish on one side. Leave it there for 10 minutes but make sure its not burning. (Using a table spoon take some of that oil and pour it on top of the fish allowing the top side to cook as well.)
6) Using that same marinating sauce pour it to the side of the pan, add some water if necessary to allow the fish to slowly boil. Then lower the heat to medium Cover the pan and allow it to cook for about 20-30 minutes.
7) You can add more of the red onion, peppers and parsley towards the end.

Serve with Boiled Plantain or Rice

Bon Appetit,

Madame Sara


Behind Madame Sara’s Idea


Katyana is the founder and CEO of Madame Sara, LLC. She has brought many creative and developing ideas as well as strategies to the making of Madame Sara. She is a graduate of International Relations from with a concentration in Culture and Identity from Hult International Business School based in London, UK.

Katyana developed the concept of Madame Sara while a student there, and it is also where the first products were made, marketed and proved a great success selling and doing tastings. Katyana has worked as a marketing assistant for a company based in London where she helped developed strategies for sales and business development.
She worked as a trade advisor and project coordinator for the French Embassy trade office in New York City. Born and raised in Haiti, she is fluent in French, Creole and English and has working knowledge in Spanish. Currently, Katyana is looking to pursue a Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship and Management.
More information about Madame Sara Gourmet Sauce: http://www.madamesaras.com

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