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La fille de Whitney Houston trouvée inconsciente dans une baignoire

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Bobbi Kristina Brown a été trouvée par son... (PHOTO FRED PROUSER, ARCHIVES REUTERS)

Bobbi Kristina Brown a été trouvée par son mari et un ami, samedi matin.


Agence France-Presse

La fille de la chanteuse Whitney Houston a été retrouvée inconsciente dans sa baignoire (bathtub) samedi, selon la presse américaine, un incident qui rappelle les circonstances tragiques du décès de sa mère en 2012, morte noyée dans une salle de bain d’un hôtel après avoir pris de la drogue.

Selon la police locale citée par l’Atlanta Journal Constitution, Bobbi Kristina Brown, 21 ans, a été retrouvée par son mari, Nick Gordon, et un ami dans sa résidence à Roswell, à environ 35 km au nord d’Atlanta, Georgia.

«Elle est vivante et respire, mais à part çà je ne sais pas dans quel état elle est», a déclaré au cours d’une conférence de presse la porte-parole de la police locale, Lisa Holland. Les enquêteurs se sont rendus à son domicile et à l’hôpital, a-t-elle précisé.

Les secours ont transféré la jeune femme à l’hôpital North Fulton.

À en croire le site TMZ.com, spécialisé dans l’actualité des célébrités, la jeune femme a été placée en coma artificiel.

Bobbi Kristina Brown est la fille de Bobby Brown et de Whitney Houston, l’interprète du tube planétaire I will always love you.

La chanteuse est morte en février 2012 à la veille de la soirée des Grammy Awards, les plus grandes récompenses de l’industrie musicale américaine.

Elle a été retrouvée morte dans la baignoire de son hôtel à Los Angeles à l’âge de 48 ans.

L’autopsie a conclu qu’elle s’était noyée accidentellement, notamment après avoir pris de la cocaïne et alors qu’elle souffrait d’une maladie cardiaque.


Bobby Brown rushes to see daughter Bobbi Kristina in hospital after she’s found’unresponsive’ in bath

By Claire Rutter


Bobby Brown and daughter Bobbi Kristina
Bobby Brown and daughter Bobbi Kristina

Mirror UK – Bobby Brown is rushing to Atlanta to be with his daughter Bobbi Kristina after she was found unresponsive in her bathtub at her home.

The R&B singer, who lives in Los Angeles, is en route to the hospital where Bobbi is said to be in a “stabilised” condition.

“Bobby is on his way to Atlanta from Los Angeles right now,” a source told HollywoodLife.com.

A family member has reportedly told People magazine that Bobbi Kristina’s relationship with her father has been difficult recently and “haven’t been talking”.

PAAmerican R'n'B singer Bobby Brown and his wife, soul singer Whitney Houston, at the Vanity Fair Post Oscars Party

Bobby and his ex-wife Whitney back in 2001

« I can tell you that Bobbi Kristina and Bobby haven’t been talking lately, » the insider told People.

« Ever since Whitney died, they’ve been on again, off again. Sometimes they talk, but then they’ll go for months and months without saying a word to each other. »

The source claims that the father and daughter are “very alike” which could be the cause of the alleged friction.

Phil McCarten/ReutersSinger Whitney Houston attends the Pre-Grammy Gala & Salute to Industry Icons with Clive Davis with her daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown on Febraury 11, 2012

Bobbi Kristina and Whitney Houston

“They will be talking and loving to each other, and then a little thing will turn into something big and they won’t talk for a long time. Bobby and Bobbi Kristina know how to push each other’s buttons; their relationship is rocky. I think deep down, they love each other very much,” they said.

Despite their strained relationship, Bobby is still concerned about his daughter, who married Nick Gordon in secret in 2013.

« Of course he’s worried about her. That’s what being a father is all about, » the said.

« But she’s a grown woman, and he knows that he can’t baby her anymore. »

Bobbi Kristina was been rushed to hospital after she was found unresponsive in a bathtub at her home.

The late singer’s daughter was reportedly found on Saturday morning by her husband Nick Gordon and a friend.

A spokeswoman for the Roswell Police Department, Officer Lisa Holland, has said Brown was given CPR until emergency services arrived at 10.25am at the scene.

bobbi kristina

The 21-year-old was taken to North Fulton Hospital in Roswell, Georgia.




Bobbi Kristina

Situation Bleak

2/1/2015 10:21 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF


Whitney Houston‘s daughter Bobbi Kristina has « significantly diminished » brain function and doctors have told her family it does not look good … this according to sources connected with the family.

As we previously reported, the 21-year-old was found face down in her bathtub Saturday and not breathing.  She was revived, taken to the hospital where she was placed in a medically-induced coma.

She is currently on a ventilator but we’re told tests have determined her brain function is alarmingly low.

Bobbi Kristina’s dad, Bobby Brown, is at her bedside.

Doctors have told the family they should continue hoping and praying, but the signs are not good.


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